Those assignments are really killing me.
Everyday I tried to solve at least one question.
But ended up I used several days to solve 1 question.
Not sure I really couldn't 'see' the question or I'm just a plain idiot.
Next week will be Week 8...
Here I am, still trying to solve the FIRST assignment of every subjects.
Not to mention Stochastic haven't had any assignment yet. (I can't even imagine how tough the question can be since the subject is so killing me).
Thinking of doing PhD, but now I rather give up.
Comparing myself with overseas students, only those smart students will go to Master or PhD.
Unfortunately and definitely I'm not those smart student.
Dr Chin told us that,"Only smart people will go to PhD, those less smart...will take Master."
After the class, he will tell us some stories to demotivate us about studying Master. (every fucking week!)
Haha... then I will started to imagine,"Why am I here?". (damn funny wei)
No doubt his class is more boring and enjoyable compared with last time.
This is how I look like when....
... he asked me some questions...

...he told us that this subject is very easy...
...he asked us whatever we understand the subject or not...
I'm really really do not know why every week I feel so demotivated to study.
Probably I stayed at home/room too long?
Probably the subject is too easy and too difficult?
Probably I lack of motivation?