Monday, May 4, 2015

49. Summary for Mar and Apr

1. I was busy.
2. I was so busy until I forgot to update my blog.
3. But I updated my Instagram and my Twitter.
4. I was so busy until I forgot to use the free pizza hut coupon (which will be expired last month). Wasted.
5. I got a data plan now.
6. Because my boss kept teasing me saying I'm using a lousy phone and no data plan.
7. I'm using it only for Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp.
8. For the last two months, I keep working and learning.
9. I learned how to use Risk Control & Self Assessment (RCSA), Key Risk Indicator (KRI) and Stress Test for (Credit Risk, Op Risk, Interest Rate Risk & Liquidity Risk).
10. Last week, I learned how to use Incident Management & Data Collection (IMDC) and ORION.
11. I have been transferred to Compliance Section.
12. Then I learned Gap Analysis.
13. I also learned a bit Business Continuity Management (BCM) from my colleague.
14. I hope I can learn J-SOX, setting KRI threshold and review Policy & Procedure soon.
15. I made some modifications on the slide presentations.
16. I learned more than I expected. Why?
17. Because one of my colleague was leaving on March and another will be leaving this month, May.
18. The Operational Risk Section under Risk Management department only left me and my boss.
19. Actually only my boss since I am under Compliance now. I will still doing my best to assist him.
20. I learned Excel VBA Programming last month but I still don't have a chance to use it.
21. Now I'm learning Six Sigma and I'm hoping can utilize it for my job.