Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It is a sign?

Sometimes, life is not what we expected. For some people, it looks easy. For others, it looks tough. But. Still we need to make some decisions.

Two days before the New Year, I dreamt about two snakes chasing toward me. I have no idea what kind of sign is that but I don't think it means good in my dictionary, at least. This few days, I keep having a nightmare. And sometimes, my nightmare will becomes true. Kinda scary.

Yesterday was the day to register my unit subject for my course but when I tried to log in...

"First intake student is not allowed to perform unit course registration" 
WTF, what does that mean?
Of course, I'm panicked. I sent my inquiry to the officer in charge, only to realised that yesterday was a public holiday. The night before, I asked my ex-lecturer what subjects should I take then he gave me some ideas which subjects best to complement each other.

1) MEME16303     Advanced Probability Theory
2) MEME17803     Stochastic Analysis for Finance and Actuarial Science
3) MEME17603    Computer Intensive Methods for Stochastics Models in Finance
4) MEME17003    Applied Multivariate Analysis

I intended to take (3) and (4) because surely I love these subjects compare to (1) or (2). But after asking my ex-lecturer, he advised me to take (2) & (3) or (1) & (2). I'm not really like (2) but absolutely not going to take (1). This is what we called dilemma.

The lesser evil or lesser of two evils principle is the idea in politics and political science that of two bad choices, one isn't as bad as the other, and should be chosen over the one that is a greater threat.
I hate this.

Finally, I settled with (2) & (3) because I think that is the best complement for me. (Thanks Mr. Liew for his advice).

Finally again, today, the officer in charge sending me the Units Form (Add/drop) with the Timetable. She will personally add for me 1 by 1 in the registration then I realised the timetable...different from what I expected and planned. -.-

I have nothing to choose but to go with different timetable. Waste my efforts but the horror is...all my time is at NIGHT! Oh gosh....I thought the course will be conducted in the morning or afternoon, but this is night. Same goes for my Final. Sigh. Maybe the time is allocated in such way, so that, people can come after their work.

By the way, my toilet is broken today...but I think I managed to fix it.

Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Hakuna Matata.

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