Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bird Poop

This afternoon when I was washing my car, I found that there are some bird poops on it. I was interested to know and eager to make use of some probability courses that I have learnt in my statistics class.

Let start with X denote the number of bird poop that dropped on my car. We know that X follows Poisson distribution with mean λ = 1 bird poop per week.

Poisson formula: 
 P(X=x) = λ^x (e^-λ) /x!  for x=0,1,2,3...

1. What is the probability that I will get at least 8 bird poops on my car this week?
P(X ≥8) = 1- [P(X=0)+P(X=1)+ ...P(X=7)] = 0.000010249

Probability that I will get at least 8 bird poops on my car this week is around 0.000010249!

2.What is the probability that I will get exactly 8 bird poops on my car this week?
P(X=8) = 1^8 (e^-1) / 8! = 0.000009124.

Probability that I will get exactly 8 bird poops on my car this week is around 0.000009124!

The probability of getting 8 bird poops or at least 8 is so low but I still get it. Dafuq stupid birds!
FU birds, I will panggang you next time if you ever poop on my car again!

1 comment:

quadrants on a graph said...

The quadratic equations with solutions which you have explained is helpful to understand this concept easily.