Finally, I finished reading one book: First Course In Mathematical Modeling by Frank R. Giordano. This book took me almost a month to finish. Thank god. This book is quite useful and I have learned a lot of things because most of the things that I learned in degree level related to statistics and involved a linear function. But how to model something before collecting and after collecting your data? what if something is nonlinear? What needs to be to be taken into account?
I learned Survival Models, Loss Models, Applied Statistical Models, Stochastic Processes, Linear Models and many other models but most of the model involved more towards Statistics but this book more towards Mathematics without considering mean, variance and so on.
In Chapter 1, the author demonstrates a simple model and how it suppose to looks like.
In Chapter 2, what kind of processes involved to do modelling.
In Chapter 3, how to fit a model...using your data to fit a model or using your model to fit a data.
In Chapter 4, doing some experimental works to confirm your model.
In Chapter 5, using simulation to simulate your sample from population data.
And the rest of the chapters are more related to model certain situations and how to optimize your models.
Besides that, this book also shows some examples related how to model your situation related to physics, wars, economy, biology, interest rate, cooking (how long to roast your turkey? lol), drugs (pharmaceutical) and so on.
Honestly, this is kind of subject that should be teach during Form 6 or Degree level because most of the examples are using very simple secondary school maths and then relates it to applications rather than ask us to memorize all the formulas.
Now is time to start my project and study for Final.
Final Exam Countdown: 20 days.
Hope you enjoy the book.
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