I woke up around 6.30am, then I proceed to brushed my teeth and washed my face. I go out berjalan-jalan with my camera early in the morning to watch sunrise. There are a few couples like me but the different is I don't have my love partner with me...damn sad lor. If I go again, I will make sure I will bring someone to walk with me and show off to them...haha.
A beautiful beach, fresh cold air, a sweet melody of the ocean which can't describe by words...
I walked to the other side of the beach and saw a lot of people preparing their camera to take some photos of the sunrise. Aiya, I missed jor...I should wake up 15 minutes earlier!
Then, I spotted PX finding some nice 'cengkerang' to make pair of earrings, however she couldn't find it. At the moment I want to take more photos, suddenly my camera battery died. I forgot to charge yesterday night. I returned back to room to charge my phone and camera.
7.30 am Breakfast
Since I was charging my phone and camera, I forgot to ask them to take our breakfast photo. Rugi again! Our breakfast is mushroom soup, tong fan, baked beans, hotdog, bread, coffee or tea, and bubur with yau char kuai.
This Picture is For Illustration Purposes Only
9.30 am We Assemble at Snorkeling Center
After rest a while, we changed our clothes and applied lotions to our body. I thought I can avoid by doing so because I want to sun tanned my body buuutttt after seeing two persons had sun burn on their forehead and shoulder... I discarded the idea. So siao and kua jiong because their sunburn are so severe and obvious. I afraid I will have sunburn until my mom can't recognize me if I didn't apply the lotions. So, I borrowed some from PX and applied them!
10.00 am Morning Snorkeling Trip to Redang Marine Park
Yesterday, after our instructor saw us we can't really
Then we saw a lot of fishes, small fish, big fish like big-head-eel, purple colour fish, sea cucumbers, sink ship. Sin Tong even dived to get some sea cucumbers for us then he throw at HS. The scenery under the sea is awesome! I really need to thank to Sin Tong because even though the current is strong but he managed to 'grabbed' four of us and bring us around.
12.00 pm Back from Marine Park
After back from Marine Park, they proceed to swim at nearby the beach. I didn't do so because I was wearing my glasses. I had a bad experience where I almost lost my glasses at Port Dickson last time. I really quite scared if I go to beach right now.
1.00 pm Lunch
Then, we having our lunch!
Their wet look
My wet look
This time, we went without our 'kau shan', Sin Tong because he guide the newcomers. Aiya, we don't have kau shan anymore because we thought we go to different places. Mana tau, he went to the same place with us but just he can't find us. Rugi jor because without him, we cannot see more places because we don't know where we can find some good spot to snorkel.
Before this, HS they all joke with the Malay guy that he can catch Nemo fish to show us. The Malay guy really kind and catch some Nemo for us to see... He said he can't understand some people when they talk Chinese. Reason: he initiate the conversation with Mandarin first...so they trouble him and he pretend knowing what they say =.="
Then Sin Tong found us at last few minutes, he kept saying that there are more beautiful fishes at another area and asked us to stay for few more days. He asked Hui Shan,"Do you know how the dolphin sounds like?". He make the sound of dolphin then he asked again,"Do you know how the whale sounds like?". This time, he spitted water at HS face All of us laughed like hell. Later, we asked HS whether this incident happen before...she already forgot about it. How can she ever forgot this funny thing?
In the ship, Sin Tong found us..he keeping asking me why I didn't speak. He thought I'm mute =.=
Then, I said I'm don't know Mandarin punya...
Lastly, Sin Tong pushed PX and HS in the sea when the ship boarded the shore. I laughed like hell that time.
4.30 pm Return to resort for tea time
After having our tea time, we took some pictures...
HS and Me
Funny version of PX!
After back from snorkeling, Sin Tong promised us that he will bring us to hiking rock climbing. I think no one ever heard about hiking rock climbing at Pulau Redang. After took our shower, we waited for him to finish his preparation for karaoke tonight.
Sin Tong, Cookie, Hwee Shan, Bird and Han
After they finished...Sin Tong, Bird, Cookie and four of us started our hiking rock climbing journey.

Sin Tong, HS, PX, JH and Me

They are so 'yan ngoi' (lovely)
The rock is sharp and dangerous...
I ate one plate of rice (my portion is bigger than theirs) ,one plate of salad, half plate of watermelon, 1 cup of orange juice and 1 bowl of soup...
Deliciousness and satisfaction : 9.9/10
At night, we just walked around and listen to their performance (Sin Tong and their gang) from far away. Then, we saw a lot of stars in the sky. Compare to KL, KL punya got beberapa biji saja.
Sin Tong also promised us for jungle trekking after he finished his performance. After they finished and having their supper, Sin Tong grabbed HS and almost throw her into the sea...hahaha. We played a games where six people divided into two groups. My group consist of HS, Han and me while PX is with JH and Bird. Cookie and Sin Tong become the judges. The games is simple where we need to run few meters, then pusing 10 rounds and run backwards to our own line. My shoes as a checkpoint become the victim of the night (full of sand)~~
Around 12.30 am, the sky started to rains...our planned was cancelled. We went to Sin Tong's room to watch movie. He revealed to us that he helped us because his ex-girlfriend looks like PX! Not because we are stupid for that snorkeling part...
What else we do in the room?
THIS !!!
SCISSOR LEG LOCK!!! Sin Tong so enjoy, so do Hui Shan!
Then because my stomach feeling not really well and I was tired, I went back to rest. Early in the morning, after I woke up...they said I was so sleepy until I didn't notice they chasing the snake that had entered into our room away.
I forgot to ask them, how the snake had entered into our room ??? >.<
I forgot to ask them, how the snake had entered into our room ??? >.<
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