Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods. They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said, "Someday I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled with gold, silver and precious gems. could be decorated with intricate carving and everyone would see the beauty." Then the second tree said, "Someday I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull." Finally the third tree said, "I want to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. People will see me on top of the hill and look up to my branches, and think of the heavens and God and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me."
After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon the trees. When one came to the first tree he said, "This looks like a strong tree, I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter" ... and he began cutting it down. The tree was happy, because he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest. At the second tree a woodsman said, "This looks like a strong tree, I should be able to sell it to the shipyard." The second tree was happy because he knew he was on his way to becoming a mighty ship. When the woodsmen came upon the third tree, the tree was frightened because he knew that if they cut him down his dreams would not come true. One of the woodsmen said, "I don't need anything special from my tree so I'll take this one", and he cut it down."
When the first tree arrived at the carpenters, he was made into a feed box for animals. He was then placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at all what he had prayed for. The second tree was cut and made into a small fishing boat. His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had come to an end. The third tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark.
The years went by, and the trees forgot about their dreams. Then one day, a man and woman came to the barn. She gave birth and they placed the baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree. The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but this manger would have to do. The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew that it had held the greatest treasure of all time.
Years later, a group of men got in the fishing boat made from the second tree. One of them was tired and went to sleep. While they were out on the water, a great storm arose and the tree didn't think it was strong enough to keep the men safe. The men woke the sleeping man, and he stood and said "Peace" and the storm stopped. At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings in its boat.
Finally, someone came and got the third tree. It was carried through the streets as the people mocked the man who was carrying it. When they came to a stop, the man was nailed to the tree and raised in the air to die at the top of a hill. When Sunday came, the tree came to realize that it was strong enough to stand at the top of the hill and be as close to God as was possible, because God had been crucified on it.
The moral of this story is that when things don't seem to be going your way, always know that God has a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you great gifts. Each of the trees got what they wanted, just not in the way they had imagined. We don't always know what God's plans are for us. We just know that His ways are not our ways, but His ways are always best.
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island. -Walt Disney-
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Rising Fuel Price Jokes
Future Consumption!
Next time, we need your organ. Be prepared.
Environmental Friendly.
How to get your loan approved in 9 seconds.
Second Option!
Beggar must not be chooser, giver must not be cheap-skater.
We just want your GAS! NOT MONEY!
Auction! Anyone?
Implied Message
Friday, May 27, 2011
Pulau Redang Trip, Terengganu (Last Day)
Date : 23 May 2011
My alarm wake me up at 5.00 am but I'm too tired...I rather miss my jogging and my sunrise by continue sleeping.
7.30 am Breakfast
I didn't eat much, in fact I'm just having one cup of tea and mushroom soup because I'm still can't' hmm hmm'. After breakfast and finishing packing, we continue to check whether we have left anything in the room. PX decided to played some prank on HS by hiding her handphone. Of course, she was very afraid whether she left the handphone in the room.
9.30 am Check out
They feels want to play kites. We buy the kite which costs us RM 15.90 (The Most Expensive Kites In The World) Next time,I rather bring my own bamboo, glue, paper and thread.

11.00 am Ferry to Syahbandar Jetty

My alarm wake me up at 5.00 am but I'm too tired...I rather miss my jogging and my sunrise by continue sleeping.
7.30 am Breakfast
I didn't eat much, in fact I'm just having one cup of tea and mushroom soup because I'm still can't' hmm hmm'. After breakfast and finishing packing, we continue to check whether we have left anything in the room. PX decided to played some prank on HS by hiding her handphone. Of course, she was very afraid whether she left the handphone in the room.
9.30 am Check out
They feels want to play kites. We buy the kite which costs us RM 15.90 (The Most Expensive Kites In The World) Next time,I rather bring my own bamboo, glue, paper and thread.
The best photo that I taken so far!
Redang, we gonna miss you!
Sin Tong, we gonna miss you too!
PX, don't worry...we NOT gonna miss you! XD

Our Last Jump!

Kesian, they miss Redang too much~~ Must shout 99
Hwee Shan, Cookie, PX, HS
Bird, JH, Me
The rest is our background~~
Happy Moment:
I miss how HS swing JH like asking him to die!, PX jokes, food, rock climbing, snorkeling, 5 new friends, disco dance, and the games that we played
Sad Moment:
My knee hurt, my shoulder pain, my finger kena bites (tak guna punya ikan),my toe hurt (tak guna punya selipar)
This REDANG trip
is one of
My Golden Treasure!!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Pulau Redang Trip, Terengganu (Second Day)
Date : 22 May 2011
I woke up around 6.30am, then I proceed to brushed my teeth and washed my face. I go out berjalan-jalan with my camera early in the morning to watch sunrise. There are a few couples like me but the different is I don't have my love partner with me...damn sad lor. If I go again, I will make sure I will bring someone to walk with me and show off to them...haha.
A beautiful beach, fresh cold air, a sweet melody of the ocean which can't describe by words...
I walked to the other side of the beach and saw a lot of people preparing their camera to take some photos of the sunrise. Aiya, I missed jor...I should wake up 15 minutes earlier!
Then, I spotted PX finding some nice 'cengkerang' to make pair of earrings, however she couldn't find it. At the moment I want to take more photos, suddenly my camera battery died. I forgot to charge yesterday night. I returned back to room to charge my phone and camera.
7.30 am Breakfast
Since I was charging my phone and camera, I forgot to ask them to take our breakfast photo. Rugi again! Our breakfast is mushroom soup, tong fan, baked beans, hotdog, bread, coffee or tea, and bubur with yau char kuai.
After rest a while, we changed our clothes and applied lotions to our body. I thought I can avoid by doing so because I want to sun tanned my body buuutttt after seeing two persons had sun burn on their forehead and shoulder... I discarded the idea. So siao and kua jiong because their sunburn are so severe and obvious. I afraid I will have sunburn until my mom can't recognize me if I didn't apply the lotions. So, I borrowed some from PX and applied them!
10.00 am Morning Snorkeling Trip to Redang Marine Park
Yesterday, after our instructor saw us we can't reallyswim snorkeling...he decided to guide us. His name is Sin Tong. Finally, we got 'kau shan'. What is the real reason behind? Wait, let us postpone the reason why. After arrived at the park, he briefed us and distribute some breads to us to eat feed the fish. Then, some aunties asked him to guide them to see the sink ship but he declined it. He said it is dangerous that side and can only bring one person for one time. Further he add, he promised 2 boys and 2 girls to bring them around. I think he mean us but WE NEVER MAKE THE PROMISE BEFORE!. That time, I think he must say so to avoid to bring those aunties uncles around...imagine you are floating and grabbing their hands. I think grabbing PX or HS's hand is better than theirs, right? hahaha. I almost laughed that time.
Then we saw a lot of fishes, small fish, big fish like big-head-eel, purple colour fish, sea cucumbers, sink ship. Sin Tong even dived to get some sea cucumbers for us then he throw at HS. The scenery under the sea is awesome! I really need to thank to Sin Tong because even though the current is strong but he managed to 'grabbed' four of us and bring us around.
12.00 pm Back from Marine Park
After back from Marine Park, they proceed to swim at nearby the beach. I didn't do so because I was wearing my glasses. I had a bad experience where I almost lost my glasses at Port Dickson last time. I really quite scared if I go to beach right now.
1.00 pm Lunch
Then, we having our lunch!

After rest a few minutes, they go to snorkeling at nearby the beach again. Me tried to sun tanned on the beach.
2.45 pm Assemble at Snorkeling Center for briefing
This time, we went without our 'kau shan', Sin Tong because he guide the newcomers. Aiya, we don't have kau shan anymore because we thought we go to different places. Mana tau, he went to the same place with us but just he can't find us. Rugi jor because without him, we cannot see more places because we don't know where we can find some good spot to snorkel.
Before this, HS they all joke with the Malay guy that he can catch Nemo fish to show us. The Malay guy really kind and catch some Nemo for us to see... He said he can't understand some people when they talk Chinese. Reason: he initiate the conversation with Mandarin first...so they trouble him and he pretend knowing what they say =.="
Then Sin Tong found us at last few minutes, he kept saying that there are more beautiful fishes at another area and asked us to stay for few more days. He asked Hui Shan,"Do you know how the dolphin sounds like?". He make the sound of dolphin then he asked again,"Do you know how the whale sounds like?". This time, he spitted water at HS face All of us laughed like hell. Later, we asked HS whether this incident happen before...she already forgot about it. How can she ever forgot this funny thing?
In the ship, Sin Tong found us..he keeping asking me why I didn't speak. He thought I'm mute =.=
Then, I said I'm don't know Mandarin punya...
Lastly, Sin Tong pushed PX and HS in the sea when the ship boarded the shore. I laughed like hell that time.
4.30 pm Return to resort for tea time
After having our tea time, we took some pictures...

7.30 pm Buffet

Sin Tong also promised us for jungle trekking after he finished his performance. After they finished and having their supper, Sin Tong grabbed HS and almost throw her into the sea...hahaha. We played a games where six people divided into two groups. My group consist of HS, Han and me while PX is with JH and Bird. Cookie and Sin Tong become the judges. The games is simple where we need to run few meters, then pusing 10 rounds and run backwards to our own line. My shoes as a checkpoint become the victim of the night (full of sand)~~

I woke up around 6.30am, then I proceed to brushed my teeth and washed my face. I go out berjalan-jalan with my camera early in the morning to watch sunrise. There are a few couples like me but the different is I don't have my love partner with me...damn sad lor. If I go again, I will make sure I will bring someone to walk with me and show off to them...haha.
A beautiful beach, fresh cold air, a sweet melody of the ocean which can't describe by words...
I walked to the other side of the beach and saw a lot of people preparing their camera to take some photos of the sunrise. Aiya, I missed jor...I should wake up 15 minutes earlier!
Then, I spotted PX finding some nice 'cengkerang' to make pair of earrings, however she couldn't find it. At the moment I want to take more photos, suddenly my camera battery died. I forgot to charge yesterday night. I returned back to room to charge my phone and camera.
7.30 am Breakfast
Since I was charging my phone and camera, I forgot to ask them to take our breakfast photo. Rugi again! Our breakfast is mushroom soup, tong fan, baked beans, hotdog, bread, coffee or tea, and bubur with yau char kuai.
This Picture is For Illustration Purposes Only
9.30 am We Assemble at Snorkeling Center
After rest a while, we changed our clothes and applied lotions to our body. I thought I can avoid by doing so because I want to sun tanned my body buuutttt after seeing two persons had sun burn on their forehead and shoulder... I discarded the idea. So siao and kua jiong because their sunburn are so severe and obvious. I afraid I will have sunburn until my mom can't recognize me if I didn't apply the lotions. So, I borrowed some from PX and applied them!
10.00 am Morning Snorkeling Trip to Redang Marine Park
Yesterday, after our instructor saw us we can't really
Then we saw a lot of fishes, small fish, big fish like big-head-eel, purple colour fish, sea cucumbers, sink ship. Sin Tong even dived to get some sea cucumbers for us then he throw at HS. The scenery under the sea is awesome! I really need to thank to Sin Tong because even though the current is strong but he managed to 'grabbed' four of us and bring us around.
12.00 pm Back from Marine Park
After back from Marine Park, they proceed to swim at nearby the beach. I didn't do so because I was wearing my glasses. I had a bad experience where I almost lost my glasses at Port Dickson last time. I really quite scared if I go to beach right now.
1.00 pm Lunch
Then, we having our lunch!
Their wet look
My wet look
This time, we went without our 'kau shan', Sin Tong because he guide the newcomers. Aiya, we don't have kau shan anymore because we thought we go to different places. Mana tau, he went to the same place with us but just he can't find us. Rugi jor because without him, we cannot see more places because we don't know where we can find some good spot to snorkel.
Before this, HS they all joke with the Malay guy that he can catch Nemo fish to show us. The Malay guy really kind and catch some Nemo for us to see... He said he can't understand some people when they talk Chinese. Reason: he initiate the conversation with Mandarin first...so they trouble him and he pretend knowing what they say =.="
Then Sin Tong found us at last few minutes, he kept saying that there are more beautiful fishes at another area and asked us to stay for few more days. He asked Hui Shan,"Do you know how the dolphin sounds like?". He make the sound of dolphin then he asked again,"Do you know how the whale sounds like?". This time, he spitted water at HS face All of us laughed like hell. Later, we asked HS whether this incident happen before...she already forgot about it. How can she ever forgot this funny thing?
In the ship, Sin Tong found us..he keeping asking me why I didn't speak. He thought I'm mute =.=
Then, I said I'm don't know Mandarin punya...
Lastly, Sin Tong pushed PX and HS in the sea when the ship boarded the shore. I laughed like hell that time.
4.30 pm Return to resort for tea time
After having our tea time, we took some pictures...
HS and Me
Funny version of PX!
After back from snorkeling, Sin Tong promised us that he will bring us to hiking rock climbing. I think no one ever heard about hiking rock climbing at Pulau Redang. After took our shower, we waited for him to finish his preparation for karaoke tonight.
Sin Tong, Cookie, Hwee Shan, Bird and Han
After they finished...Sin Tong, Bird, Cookie and four of us started our hiking rock climbing journey.

Sin Tong, HS, PX, JH and Me

They are so 'yan ngoi' (lovely)
The rock is sharp and dangerous...
I ate one plate of rice (my portion is bigger than theirs) ,one plate of salad, half plate of watermelon, 1 cup of orange juice and 1 bowl of soup...
Deliciousness and satisfaction : 9.9/10
At night, we just walked around and listen to their performance (Sin Tong and their gang) from far away. Then, we saw a lot of stars in the sky. Compare to KL, KL punya got beberapa biji saja.
Sin Tong also promised us for jungle trekking after he finished his performance. After they finished and having their supper, Sin Tong grabbed HS and almost throw her into the sea...hahaha. We played a games where six people divided into two groups. My group consist of HS, Han and me while PX is with JH and Bird. Cookie and Sin Tong become the judges. The games is simple where we need to run few meters, then pusing 10 rounds and run backwards to our own line. My shoes as a checkpoint become the victim of the night (full of sand)~~
Around 12.30 am, the sky started to rains...our planned was cancelled. We went to Sin Tong's room to watch movie. He revealed to us that he helped us because his ex-girlfriend looks like PX! Not because we are stupid for that snorkeling part...
What else we do in the room?
THIS !!!
SCISSOR LEG LOCK!!! Sin Tong so enjoy, so do Hui Shan!
Then because my stomach feeling not really well and I was tired, I went back to rest. Early in the morning, after I woke up...they said I was so sleepy until I didn't notice they chasing the snake that had entered into our room away.
I forgot to ask them, how the snake had entered into our room ??? >.<
I forgot to ask them, how the snake had entered into our room ??? >.<
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Pulau Redang Trip, Terengganu (First Day)
We have planned to go to Pulau Redang which is located in Terengganu for 3 days and 2 nights. So, we took our bus on Friday night, at 11 pm. The bus that we took a bit sucks because my seat to place my leg is small, the air-con damn cold, the air-con water dripping at Hui Shan's seat (pity her~) and the bus punya tayar pancit at 1 am. We arrived one hour late.
Date : 21 May 2011
Again, PX and my food arrived late compare to HS and JH. We are always the last and this make me wonder that did the auntie hold any grudge toward us?

Since we arrived late, we only have 20 minutes to order, wait, eat our food and of course include paying our bills. Thanks to that stupid bus again for making us so rush. The last 5 minutes our food finally on our table...thanks god! Then, suddenly PX make a joke.
PX: Vincent, don't chew la...swallow lah. (Cantonese: Vincent, mm sai ngao la..zik zip tan la!!)
I was laughing for 5 minutes thanks to her! hahaha.
Then, the Malay uncle who brought us to jetty arrived.
He asked PX some funny question in the van," Miss Liew, are you from Hong Kong or Malaysia?"
All of us laughed maybe because he heard PX having conversation in Mandarin with us.
8.30am Assemble at Jetty checkpoint
9.00am Take ferry from Syahbandar Jetty to Redang Island
On the way, I spotted 3 dolphins! but I forgot to take the photo T.T
I was so lucky!
But I don't think anyone believe me...
10.30am Room registration
Since we haven't able to enter to our room yet, so we just walked around.

12.00 Check in

1.00pm Lunch
2.45pm Snorkeling briefing
The briefing was given by a macho guy name Sin Tong. The only thing I can remember is,"In order to avoid your mask got water vapor, you need to clean it with your saliva. Don't laugh ya because this is what a professional will do!" Then he spitted on the mask and use finger to clean it. My first impression: Yucks! Soo wat dat (disgusting)...
3.00pm Snorkeling trip around the island
We saw a lot of...hmm... fishes and corals. I don't have the camera since we are in the sea..
4.30pm Return to resort and have tea time

I just watched this on last Thursday and we are here already. In fact,I re-watched it a lot of times. First time, I watched it on year 2000! I'm late to come here for 11 years but at least I'm here...haha. I always wonder where is the filming location because I don't know they shooting the movie at Redang. I only realised when I saw that shop!
7.30pm Buffet or barbeque dinner
We are having barbeque dinner but unfortunately, I forgot to take down our delicious dinner photo. So sai ying...haihz...
After dinner, we find a place to rest. We rest on hammock. JH said,"If you swing harder the hammock can rotate 360 degree!". HS don't believe it. What she do? She asked JH rest on the bed then she swing it as hard as possible...The way that she swing like pushing him to die,"Lei hui sei la, lei hui sei la...". PX and me keeping laughing until our stomach pains.
At night, we walked around the island. You can spot one place where there is a lot of people stepping on the sand to see the 'blue sand' glowing in the dark. I thought I can smuggle some back but PX said it will die since that thing actually is living.
Then at night, we are having a 'fake' disco party, the DJ is Sin Tong. Damn funny since this is PX, HS and me first time dancing disco style...PX said the way I'm dance like riding a horse =.="
(This how we spent our lovely first day at Redang...)
p/s: I decided to continue blogging again... maybe for temporary...
Date : 21 May 2011
Again, PX and my food arrived late compare to HS and JH. We are always the last and this make me wonder that did the auntie hold any grudge toward us?
Since we arrived late, we only have 20 minutes to order, wait, eat our food and of course include paying our bills. Thanks to that stupid bus again for making us so rush. The last 5 minutes our food finally on our table...thanks god! Then, suddenly PX make a joke.
PX: Vincent, don't chew la...swallow lah. (Cantonese: Vincent, mm sai ngao la..zik zip tan la!!)
I was laughing for 5 minutes thanks to her! hahaha.
Then, the Malay uncle who brought us to jetty arrived.
He asked PX some funny question in the van," Miss Liew, are you from Hong Kong or Malaysia?"
All of us laughed maybe because he heard PX having conversation in Mandarin with us.
8.30am Assemble at Jetty checkpoint

Can you spot which is mine, PX, JH,and HS?
On the way, I spotted 3 dolphins! but I forgot to take the photo T.T
I was so lucky!
But I don't think anyone believe me...
10.30am Room registration
Since we haven't able to enter to our room yet, so we just walked around.
Clear, clean and nice beach...finally WE ARE HERE!
The reception counter
To the left is our canteen, toilet and to right is the place to tattoo your body and disco area.
You can find cafe, souvenir shop, and mini market. You can surf internet here...I heard 1 hour RM 10. =.=

JH, HS, Monkey and Me
12.00 Check in
Around our hostel.
Our room is on the ground floor, K 71.
Our bed.
Outside our window.
HS and PX was checking the schedule on the wall while JH was playing the locker...
This is not a lunch pictures! because I forgot to take out the camera T.T
This isour their gaming session while waiting for snorkeling...
This is
The briefing was given by a macho guy name Sin Tong. The only thing I can remember is,"In order to avoid your mask got water vapor, you need to clean it with your saliva. Don't laugh ya because this is what a professional will do!" Then he spitted on the mask and use finger to clean it. My first impression: Yucks! Soo wat dat (disgusting)...
3.00pm Snorkeling trip around the island
We saw a lot of...hmm... fishes and corals. I don't have the camera since we are in the sea..
Something like this. I grabbed this photo from other website. XD
4.30pm Return to resort and have tea time
Wiki: Summer Holiday (夏日的麼麼茶) is a Hong Kong film released in 2000, directed by Jingle Ma and starring by Richie Ren and Sammi Cheng. Place: This is that location!
7.30pm Buffet or barbeque dinner
We are having barbeque dinner but unfortunately, I forgot to take down our delicious dinner photo. So sai ying...haihz...
After dinner, we find a place to rest. We rest on hammock. JH said,"If you swing harder the hammock can rotate 360 degree!". HS don't believe it. What she do? She asked JH rest on the bed then she swing it as hard as possible...The way that she swing like pushing him to die,"Lei hui sei la, lei hui sei la...". PX and me keeping laughing until our stomach pains.
At night, we walked around the island. You can spot one place where there is a lot of people stepping on the sand to see the 'blue sand' glowing in the dark. I thought I can smuggle some back but PX said it will die since that thing actually is living.
Then at night, we are having a 'fake' disco party, the DJ is Sin Tong. Damn funny since this is PX, HS and me first time dancing disco style...PX said the way I'm dance like riding a horse =.="
(This how we spent our lovely first day at Redang...)
p/s: I decided to continue blogging again... maybe for temporary...
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