My goals for myself this year:
1)Eat more fruitsand sleep early.
2)Spend more time with my family and friends.
3) Have a regular exercise and meditation.
4) Enjoy my life and be more adventurous.
5)Be more confident.
My goals as a Future Mathematician and Statistician this year:
1)Master Multivariate Analysis, Stochastic Analysis and Advanced Matrix Algebra.
2)Master the use of Matlab, SAS, R, EXCEL and SPSS.
3) To finish read:
i. The Princeton Companion To Mathematics - Timothy Gowers
ii. Reading Statistics and Research - Schuyler W. Huck
iii.Euler's Gem (The Polyhedron Formula and The Birth of Topology) -David S. Richeson
iv.Prime Obsession (Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics) - John Derbyshire
v.Honors Class (Hilbert's Problems And Their Solvers) - Benjamin H. Yandell
vi. Numerical Analysis for Statisticians - Kenneth Lange
vii.100 Statistical Tests - Gopal K Kanji
Looking back at my list, I'm not doing that much this year.
- (2) Well, I spent a lot of time with my family especially with my mom. If staying at home and helping her for 365 days doesn't count. I don't know what does.
- (5) Be more confident. After working at cafe for few months and by learning how to handle my boss, colleagues and customers. I think I'm more confident and comfortable with people. I think I'm quite ok now.
- I got an A for my Multivariate Analysis, B for Stochastic Analysis and B for Advanced Matrix Algebra. To be honest, if grading system based on understanding of the subject rather than memory power then I think I'm deserved a lower grade. Well, at least I'm passed!
- I'm able to master R and Excel. Since Matlab and SAS are not free (and I'm not able to download it), I will give it a byebye. SPSS? Next time, maybe...maybe not.
- I spent my whole November and December month reading Euler's Gem, Prime Obsession, The Honors Class and 100 Statistical Tests. Conclusion: I need to read even more and work harder to achieve my goal.